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Culture Wars in the School District

Contains material from Apr 2023

Culture Wars in the School District
5 out of 5 stars
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Both were well versed in the law and have great presentation skill. Excellent.

Technical Questions?

Session 1: Culture Wars in the School District: Censure - A look at the availability of, and limitations on, censure as a tool of governance in the schools.

Session 2: Culture Wars in the School District: Employees - Whether it's about books, CRT, religion, sexual identity policies, or other controversial issues, principals, librarians, teachers and other school employees can be easy targets for the culture wars. What defenses do they have when grievances are aired out on social and mainstream media, or before the school board? What will be the school employee’s response when they find themselves in a battle they did not choose?

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • Specialization: Administrative Law | Civil Trial Law
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 4/30/2025

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1. Culture Wars in the School District: Censure (Apr 2023)

Jonathan G. Brush

0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50
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24 mins
24 mins
9 pgs
5 pgs
Session 1 —24 mins
Culture Wars in the School District: Censure (Apr 2023)

A look at the availability of, and limitations on, censure as a tool of governance in the schools.

Originally presented: Feb 2023 School Law Conference

Jonathan G. Brush, Rogers, Morris & Grover, L.L.P. - Houston, TX

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2. Culture Wars in the School District: Employees (Apr 2023)

Kevin F. Lungwitz

0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50
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35 mins
35 mins
17 pgs
Session 2 —35 mins
Culture Wars in the School District: Employees (Apr 2023)

Whether it's about books, CRT, religion, sexual identity policies, or other controversial issues, principals, librarians, teachers and other school employees can be easy targets for the culture wars. What defenses do they have when grievances are aired out on social and mainstream media, or before the school board? What will be the school employee’s response when they find themselves in a battle they did not choose?

Originally presented: Feb 2023 School Law Conference

Kevin F. Lungwitz, The Lungwitz Law Firm, P.C. - Austin, TX