UT Law is a nationally recognized provider of CLE, and we could not do that without the support of our volunteer speakers.If you are a speaker who would like to participate in one of our conferences, please complete a submission form.

Please note that conference program planning typically starts at least six months in advance.  Submissions received after conference planning is underway may be held for the following year, or may be considered for shorter-format studio webcast programming.
Learn from nationally-recognized experts, experience world-class presentations and network with colleagues.


CLE Credit for Texas, California and Oklahoma
The University of Texas School of Law is a State Bar of Texas approved MCLE sponsor, a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider and an Oklahoma Bar Association presumptively approved provider. 
UT Law Continuing Legal Education no longer provides physical MCLE credit reporting cards.
  • Texas (TX) CLE Credit Reporting—Access to Texas MCLE reporting is available via the registrant's account at www.utcle.org. Attendees will need to claim credit online, via the registrant's account (Your Briefcase) at the conclusion of the conference. UT Law CLE reports the online-submitted credit to the State Bar of Texas within 5-10 business days after the conference, on the attendee’s behalf. If the conference attendee is attempting to claim credit within the last week of the birth month, credit should be self-reported directly to the State Bar of Texas by the attendee.
  • California (CA) CLE Credit Reporting—Attendees seeking CLE credit from the State Bar of California must sign-in on the Record of Attendance Form at the UT Law CLE registration desk at the live conference. Additionally, those seeking California CLE credit need to self-report CLE credit directly to the State Bar of California. A Certificate of Attendance is available for download in the registrant's member account at www.utcle.org in "Your Briefcase."
  • Oklahoma (OK) CLE Credit Reporting— Attendees seeking CLE credit from the Oklahoma Bar Association must sign-in on the Record of Attendance Form at the UT Law CLE registration desk at the live conference. Additionally, those seeking Oklahoma CLE credit need to self-report CLE credit directly to the Oklahoma Bar Association within 30 days after the conference. A Certificate of Attendance is available for download in the registrant's member account at www.utcle.org in "Your Briefcase."
  • Other States—Many jurisdictions accept conferences offered by The University of Texas School of Law for CLE credit. Please check with the individual jurisdiction regarding regulatory authority. A Certificate of Attendance is available for download in the registrant's member account at www.utcle.org in "Your Briefcase." Check the conference web page at www.utcle.org or the conference brochure for information regarding additional states that may be approved for particular UT Law CLE conferences.
CPE Credit
All live UT Law CLE conferences offer Texas Continuing Professional Education credit for accountants. Select UT Law CLE conferences offer National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) CPE credit. Check “Credit Info” on the conference web page at www.utcle.org or the conference brochure for information regarding a specific conference.

Other Credit
Select UT Law CLE conferences are approved for other professional accreditation. Refer to "Credit Info" on the conference web page at www.utcle.org or the conference brochure for specific information. If additional information is needed, please email service@utcle.org or call 512.475.6700 during business hours, Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST).

Conference Registration

Online (for credit card transactions only)
  1. Sign in to Your Account or create Your Account on www.utcle.org
  2. Select the conference to attend under “Upcoming Live Conferences or Conferences
  3. Click the “Register” button
  4. Arrive at the Conference Registration page. NOTE: This page also provides the option to download (PDF format) a printable conference registration form.
  5. Select the preferred conference Location and/or Date, if applicable
  6. Select the Registration Type, typically “Individual”
  7. Chose Printed Course Materials for an additional fee
    NOTE: All conference registrations include course materials in an electronic format. Printed course binders are available for an additional fee until the advertised date. Contact UT Law CLE at 512.475.6700 for possible availability after the advertised date. Some UT Law CLE conferences offer optional sessions, tracks or special events for the conference. Some of these selections are subject to additional fees
  8. After all conference selections are complete, click the “Add to Cart” button
  9. Finalize the registration by confirming the items in the “Shopping Cart.” adding payment (credit card only) information, confirming the billing information and email address. Click the blue “Purchase” button.
  10. A confirmation and receipt is sent to all email addresses that accompany the order.
  11. Approximately 24-48 hours prior to the start of the conference, an email is sent to conference registrant. The email contains information about the conference and a link to the conference materials, included with the registration fee. A UT Law CLE user name and password is required to access conference materials.
Send registration form* with payment (check, money order, credit card or purchase order) to:
The University of Texas School of Law
Attn. CLE Registration
727 E. Dean Keeton Street
Austin, TX  78705
     *Registration forms can be downloaded from www.utcle.org and found on most conference brochures.
Send registration form* with payment information (credit card or purchase order) to:
*Registration forms can be downloaded from www.utcle.org and found on most conference brochures.
Conference registrations or product orders can be placed by phone with a representative by calling 512.475.6700 during business hours Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST).
UT Law CLE follows The University of Texas at Austin holiday and closure schedule.

Conference registrations are accepted at the conference location based on availability. Before arriving to the conference site, check the conference status on www.utcle.org/conferences or call 512.475.6700 during business hours for “walk-in” registration availability.
Group Registration
To register two or more attendees for a conference you may use our online registration system or contact Customer Service at 512.475.6700 during business hours, Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST)
Special rates may be available for groups of five or more, registering for the same conference and conference format, in a single transaction.
Live Conference Registration Includes:
  • Course materials in electronic format—downloadable papers, slides and attendee roster in PDF format. This information is available in Your Briefcase  typically 24-48 hours prior to the start of the conference.
    NOTE: Printed course binders are available for purchase for most UT Law CLE conferences. Printed course binders are mailed to the registrant post-conference and should arrive 2-3 weeks after the live conference date. Please see the conference web page or conference registration form for pricing and order deadline information.
  • eConference of the corresponding live conference. The eConference includes downloadable conference materials papers, handouts and slides in PDF format. Additionally the eConference contains audio, and in some cases video recordings, of the conference sessions.  The eConference is accredited for Texas and California CLE credit and provides conference registrants who may have missed particular session(s) or the entire live conference an opportunity to obtain CLE credit. The eConference credit hours may differ from those provided for the live conference. 180-day access for Texas and California CLE credit begins once the eConference is available and added to Your Briefcase on www.utcle.org, typically 6-8 weeks after the live conference. The eConference is available to all conference registrants at no additional cost.
  • Unlimited access to Complete Conference Materials in Your Briefcase approximately 6-8 weeks after the live conference. Complete Conference Materials include downloadable papers, handouts and slides in PDF format for available conference sessions. This information includes any updated conference materials that may not have been included in the initial conference course materials.
  • Continental breakfast and light refreshments throughout the conference day(s). Each conference may offer additional events and other unique benefits. Check the conference web page at www.utcle.org or the conference brochure for conference specific information.

Scholarship Policy
We recognize that lawyers may occasionally need financial assistance to fulfill their MCLE requirements. As a service to the legal community and as part of our vision to Practice Excellence, UT Law CLE makes available a limited number of full or partial scholarships to attend a conference or webcast. Applications are available online and must be completed at least 30 days before the program start date. Late applications will not be considered. Scholarship decisions are based on financial need and other pertinent considerations (e.g., extensive pro bono service). However, only one scholarship will be awarded to the same individual during any 12-month period. Past scholarship recipients are not guaranteed future awards. Click here to complete a Scholarship Application
Discounted Registration Rates
UT Law CLE offers reduced or complimentary registration rates for judges, law professors, law students, academics, first-year law school graduates, state/government employees, UT System employees and Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA)-funded organizations. Check the conference webpage, conference brochure or contact UT Law CLE Customer Service at 512.475.6700 to determine discount eligibly.
UT Law CLE reserves the right to limit and/or suspend conference registration offers. All offers are subject to availability.
Special Accommodations
Conference registrants requiring special accommodations, such as dietary requirements or accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, should contact Customer Service at service@utcle.org or at 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST)) to request arrangements with onsite conference staff. Requests should be made no later than 10 business days prior to the conference, and UT Law CLE cannot guarantee it will be able to arrange any accommodation requested after that time.

Conference Attire
Business casual attire is recommended for most UT Law CLE conferences. Keep in mind that meeting room temperatures vary at each conference venue.

Parking Information
Parking information for each conference venue is located on the conference web page on www.utcle.org and the conference brochure. Published parking rates are subject to change.

Hotel Accommodations
Special room rates may be available for live, multi-day UT Law CLE conferences. Accommodation information, such as venue location, room rate and cutoff date, is provided on the conference web page on www.utcle.org and conference brochure. All hotel room rates are subject to availability. Conference registrants are responsible for arranging and paying for individual hotel accommodations and related expenses.

Conference Registration Cancellation Alternatives
Registered for a live conference, but unable to attend?
UT Law CLE offers alternatives to cancelling a live conference registration.
  • eConference—Registrants who are unable to attend an entire live conference or particular sessions of the conference and maintain their registration have automatic access to an eConference at no additional cost. The eConference is approved for Texas and California MCLE credit and includes papers, handouts and slides from the conference, as well as audio recordings of available conference sessions. Some UT Law CLE eConferences include video in MP4 format. eConferences are typically available 6-8 weeks after the live conference. Registrants seeking CLE credit have approximately 180 days to access the sessions once the eConference is available and added to Your Briefcase. Please note that eConference credit hours may differ from credit hours provided for the corresponding live conference.
  • Substitution—​ UT Law CLE permits the transfer of a conference registration to a designated colleague or associate, prior to the start of a live or webcast conference. Please call 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST)) and speak with a UT Law CLE representative to arrange a substitution.
  • Exchange—Payments made for conference registrations can be applied to another conference or UT Law CLE product. The exchange process is subject to availability, pricing variances, key dates and fees.  Please contact a UT law CLE representative at 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST)) for an exchange transaction.
  • Cancellation—​Conference registrations can be cancelled for full or partial refunds based upon conference “Key Dates.” Specific dates identify refund information and are published on the conference web page at www.utcle.org and/or on the conference brochure. Additional, individually-priced registration items, such as special meals or catered events, are non-refundable when cancelled after the conference's dedicated "last day for full refund cancellation" date. Please contact a UT Law CLE representative at 512.475.6700 during business hours Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST or at service@utcle.org for a conference registration cancellation.
Missed Your Chance to Register for a Live Conference?
UT Law CLE conferences may reach capacity and are considered “sold out.” On occasion, special waitlist opportunities or alternatives to an in-person conference experience, are available. Refer to the conference web page at www.utcle.org or call 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST) for conference status or more information.

Program may be subject to change.
Select UT Law CLE conferences are made available as live streaming webcasts. Please check the conference web page on www.utcle.org or the conference brochure for availability of this conference format. Webcast registrants must have internet access and be available to view the conference at the times reflected on the conference schedule. The conference schedule is found on the conference web page on www.utcle.org and conference brochure. Most conference schedules are based on Central Standard Time (CST) unless otherwise noted. Webcast registrations are solely for single/individual use.
Webcasts are accredited for Texas, California and Oklahoma. Certain UT Law Conferences may have accreditation for additional states, please check the conference web page at www.utcle.org or conference brochure for information. Webcast registrants seeking CLE credit for California and Oklahoma or Continuing Education (CPE) credit for the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy confirm the requested accreditation type(s) upon logging into their registered webcast, each broadcast day. Please note when UT Law CLE webcast or on-demand accredited products (i.e. eCourses, eConferences) are viewed in full screen mode, verification pop-ups will not be visible and cannot be completed online.
Most UT Law CLE webcasts feature a chat area to discuss the program and interact with fellow webcast attendees. Some webcasts offer viewers the opportunity to interact with conference faculty. Each webcast specifies the opportunities available for webcast registrants. Please check the conference web page on www.utcle.org, the conference brochure, or the webcast web page for conference specific information.

Conference registrants requiring special accommodations, including those under the Americans with Disabilities Act, should contact Customer Service at service@utcle.org or at 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST) to request arrangements. Requests should be made no later than 10 business days prior to the webcast. UT Law CLE is unable to guarantee special accommodations requested after that time.

An administrative fee of $50 is charged in most cases when a registrant of a live in-person conference switches to the conference's webcast format. Not all UT Law CLE conferences offer a webcast. The administrative fee is typically applied when the format change is requested anytime during or within 48 hours of the conference start. Registrants who change conference format will need to make note of a special credit reporting process.

For additional information or questions regarding webcasts, contact Customer Service at service@utcle.org or call 512.475.6700. Representatives are available approximately 30 minutes before and after the UT Law CLE webcast broadcast schedule.
Before a webcast, system compatibility can be checked by clicking:
Check system for compatibility.

Program may be subject to change.
Missed a live conference? Experience the full conference and earn CLE credits on your time with an eCourse.
Accessing an eCourse

Once an eCourse is purchased, the eCourse is available immediately in “eCourses” from the Your Briefcase pull down menu. Do confirm that the user is properly logged into www.utcle.org to access. eCourses contain materials,  papers, slides and/or handouts in PDF format and audio in MP3 format. Some eCourses also include materials in video in MP4 format. Not all eCourses have materials in all formats. Available items should open with a “double-click” when the cursor is placed over item labeled in blue text. Alternatively, use the “Download All” button to access the materials. Please note the expiration date of an eCourse before purchase. CLE credit is based on a 60 minute hour.
Please note when UT Law CLE webcast or on-demand accredited products (i.e. eCourses, eConferences) are viewed in full screen mode, verification pop-ups will not be visible and cannot be completed online.
To check compatible equipment for audio or video streams use the following link: Check system for compatibility.

Claiming Credit

Once all preferred sessions are completed, click the blue button labeled “Proceed.” Users are able to evaluate the eCourse, confirm the completion of each session, certify credit hours and claim credit for Texas, California and/or other states. Please read the credit information included for each state. Once all appropriate areas are marked with a check mark, continue to the bottom right-side of the page and click the blue button marked “Submit.” A Certificate of Completion will generate for the user’s records. The document can be printed or saved to another device or file.
Texas attorneys, UT Law CLE, reports credit to the State Bar of Texas every non-holiday Tuesday. The account must have each session marked as “complete” in order for the system to recognize and report the course activity properly. If CLE credit is required during the last week of a birth month, CLE credit should be self-reported directly to the State Bar of Texas.
California and other states attorneys, it is the attorney's responsibility to self-report credit.

Program may be subject to change.
Missed a live conference? Experience the full conference and earn CLE credits on your time, online or in-house, individually or in a group setting with colleagues with an eConference.
eConference Includes:
  • Downloadable conference materials in PDF format
  • Downloadable conference audio in MP3 format. Select eConferences include downloadable video in MP4 format.
  • State Bar of Texas accreditation certificate, upon completion of the eConference
NOTE: Each eConference has an individual expiration date, please confirm the date before purchase.

eConference CLE Credit– Texas (TX)
The University of Texas School of Law is a State Bar of Texas approved MCLE sponsor. UT Law CLE secures accreditation including Texas Legal Specialization credit, if applicable, for every conference. Please note the expiration date of eConference before purchase. eConferences are typically available 6-8 weeks after a live conference.

Accessing eConferences
Once an eConference is available and purchased, the eConference is immediately added to Your Briefcase pull down menu. The user must be properly logged into www.utcle.org to access. eConferences contain several sessions with materials, including slides and/or handouts in PDF format and audio files in MP3 format. Some eConferences also include video files in MP4 format. Not all eConference sessions have materials in all formats. Available items should open with a “double-click” when the cursor is placed on labeled blue text. Alternatively, the “Download All” button can be used to access the materials. Please note the expiration date of an eConference before purchase. Credit hours are based on a 60 minute hour.
To check compatible equipment for audio or video streams for an eConference, use the following link: Check system for compatibility.

Claiming Credit

Once all of the preferred sessions are completed, click the blue button labeled “Proceed.”  Users are able to evaluate the eConference, confirm the completion of each session, certify credit hours and claim credit for Texas, California and/or other states. Please read the credit information included for each state. Once all appropriate areas are marked with a check mark, continue to the bottom right-side of the page and click the blue button marked “Submit.” A Certificate of Completion will generate for the user’s records. The document can be printed or saved to another device or file.
Texas attorneys, UT Law CLE, reports credit to the State Bar of Texas every non-holiday Tuesday. The account must have each session marked as “Complete” on www.utcle.org in order for the system to recognize and report the course activity properly. Please note when UT Law CLE webcast or on-demand accredited products (i.e. eCourses, eConferences) are viewed in full screen mode, verification pop-ups will not be visible and cannot be completed online. If CLE credit is required during the last week of a birth month, CLE credit should be self-reported directly to the State Bar of Texas.
California and other states attorneys, it is the attorney's responsibility to self-report credit.
eConference Disclaimer: An eConference is a recording of an accredited live conference and can be viewed on-demand. When seeking MCLE accreditation for states other than Texas, attendance will be confirmed with verification codes throughout the eConference. These codes are required to claim MCLE credit for “Other States” and are presented throughout the eConference presentation – please note, it is possible to have multiple codes to record, as they are based on the length of the eConference.

eConferences are not moderated, so do confirm with the MCLE authority of the applicable  jurisdiction, for its current rules regarding online learning.

It is the attorney’s responsibility to confirm—before eConference purchase—that the applicable state bar or other MCLE authority, will accept a UT Law CLE eConference, for credit. A Certificate of Completion is provided upon completion of the eConference. This documentation can be used to self-report credit.

eConference MCLE credit is based on a 60-minute credit hour. 

Multi-participant Remote Learning for CLE Credit
Please call 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT) for more information.
To check compatible equipment for audio or video streams use the following link: Check system for compatibility.

Program may be subject to change.
Research and Self- Study materials are products created from UT Law CLE conferences, such as online downloadable documents and/or digital media, and are not accredited for MCLE credit. The materials may be approved for self-study credit by the State Bar of Texas.
Research & Self-Study Materials Include
Complete Conference Materials—Comprehensive, final materials including, binders, audio and/or video, from previous UT Law CLE conferences.
  • Conference Binder—Conference documents, including papers and slides from UT Law CLE conferences are available as a download as an eBinder and located in Your Briefcase after purchase.
    Printed conference binders are available as special orders. Contact Customer Service at 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST) for more information or to place an order.
  • Audio—Recorded presentations from UT Law CLE conferences are available as an MP3 formatted download in Your Briefcase after purchase.
    CD sets are available as special orders. Contact Customer Service at 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST) for more information or to place an order.
  • Video—Recorded presentations from UT Law CLE conferences are available as an MP4 formatted download in Your Briefcase  after purchase.
    Conference DVD sets may be available as special orders. Contact Customer Service at 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST) for more information or to place an order.
  • eLibrary—The UT Law CLE eLibrary provides extensive resources including, documents, audio or video, from leading experts in dozens of practice areas. Materials can be purchased individually or accessed on an unlimited basis with an annual eLibrary subscription. View materials immediately or download and bookmark them in Your Briefcase.
UT Law CLE requires an account on www.utcle.org for conference registration, product purchase or eLearning (webcasts, eConference, eCourse). Profile information including contact information, license details, practice areas, communication preferences and password, is managed through the user’s account. Additionally, “Your Account” provides the user information about their CLE credit claimed through UT Law CLE and transaction history. Contact UT Law CLE Customer Service at 512.475.6700 for assistance creating or confirming a UT Law CLE user account. At www.utcle.org use the “Sign In” or “Join” pull down menu to view a “Create Account” button or click “Join Now” found on the upper right side of the UT Law CLE home page.
Complete the requested information and click “Create Account” button on the lower right of the screen, when complete
  • Create an account via mail and fax— UT Law CLE user accounts are created for a first-time conference registrant or when a product is purchased. The account is created with the email address provided on the order form. Accounts are activated by setting a password in “Your Account”.
Activate Your Account / Set Password

Forgot Password?
  1. Use the “Sign In or Join” drop down menu found at the top of the www.utcle.org home web page and click Forgot password
  2. Enter the email address used associated with www.utcle.org
  3. An email will be sent from system@utcle.org to that email address
  4. Check your spam filter or junk mail folder, if the message is not received within a short period of time. If a message is not found in an auxiliary folder, contact Customer Service at service@utcle.org or call 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST) for assistance.
  5. If the email message is received, click the link to reset the password
  6. Enter a new password and click “Set Password" and sign in
To Change A Password
  1. Sign in to www.utcle.org with the user name (an email address) and current password
  2. Select “Change Password” from the “Your Account” pull down menu
  3. Click “edit” located next to “Change Password”
  4. Enter a new password in both the “Create Password” and “Confirm Password” fields
  5. Click the “Save” button at the lower right of the page
Conference registrants can preview and update their conference name badge prior to the conference. Please note changes made less than 24 hours before a conference, may not be reflected on the name badge provided on site, at the conference.
Live Conferences
Access materials for live or webcast conferences in this section of Your Briefcase. Conference materials are typically available 24-48 hours prior to the start of a UT Law CLE conference. A notification email is sent to conference registrants when conference materials are available.
  1. Sign in to Your Account at www.utcle.org with user name (email address) and password
  2. Select “Conferences” from the “Your Briefcase” pull down menu
  3. Find the available conference
  4. To access downloadable conference materials, click “Materials by Session” located to the right of the conference name, in a blue font
  5. To view and/or download a list of conference attendees, click “Roster,” located just below the “Materials by Session” listing
Conference materials will always remain in Your Briefcase

Purchased eCourses are located in Your Briefcase Information including expiration dates, accreditation information, provider numbers and status of credit, is displayed for the account holder.
Access eCourses for accreditation through Your Briefcase
see eCourses section above for eCourse instructions

An eConference can be purchased or provided to live or webcast conference registrants either are located in Your Briefcase
The eConference is approved for Texas and California MCLE credit and includes papers, handouts and slides from the conference, as well as audio recordings of available conference sessions. Some UT Law CLE eConferences include video in MP4 format. eConferences are typically available 6-8 weeks after the live conference. Please note that eConference credit hours may differ from credit hours provided for the corresponding live conference.

Complete Conference Materials
Purchased Complete Conference Materials are located in Your Briefcase
Access and download eBinder (PDF format), audio (MP3 format) and video (MP4 format) files
Complete Conference materials are for research and self-study, not MCLE credit. For products with Texas or California MCLE credit refer to items available as an eCourse or eConference.
Conference assets purchased individually or bookmarked from an eLibrary annual subscription are displayed in Your Briefcase
UT Law CLE eLibrary subscriptions have an expiration date and can be renewed through access from Your Briefcase
Accepted Methods of Payment
  • Credit Card—VISA, MasterCard, American Express
  • Check—Make checks payable to The University of Texas at Austin
  • Purchase Order—A valid purchase order (PO) must be submitted to complete a registration or purchase a product with UT Law CLE. Payment is due 30 days from UT Law CLE invoice date.
  • Cash—On-site walk-in registrations ONLY
Transaction Confirmation
When a transaction is completed, a confirmation email is sent to the email address on file. Typically within 48 hours, a receipt is sent to the same email address.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
For a cancellation or refund of a live conference registration, please see “Key Dates” on the conference web page at www.utcle.org or conference brochure for information regarding the cancellation policy and refund dates. See Cancellation Alternatives in UT Law CLE Frequently Asked Questions for options in lieu of cancellation..
For cancellations or refunds on other UT Law CLE products, contact Customer Service at service@utcle.org or call 512.475.6700 during business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST).
Texas Sales Tax
For Texas customers ONLY—add 8.25% sales tax or include an Exemption Certificate with the order. Sales tax is invoiced separately on taxable orders for which payment does not include tax. Online transactions subject to Texas sales tax automatically calculate tax, where applicable.
Products Subject to Texas Sales Tax
  • Printed course binders for live conferences
  • Complete Conference Printed Binder
  • eLibrary Materials
Texas sales tax is not applied to live conference registrations, webcast registrations, eConferences or eCourses.