Session 1: Research on Legal Writing -  Discussion about empirical research on legal writing techniques. Research supports plainer writing, reduced use of intensifiers, reduced use of “emotional” words, and use of narrative. Research also supports “connectives” (transitions), priming, and the value of resources, i.e. money. Session 2:  What to do When the Government Comes Calling -  Hear advice for in-house counsel and corporate executives faced with federal inquiries, search warrants, investigations, and subpoenas to produce evidence or testify. Learn about ways in which professionals can stay out of the government’s cross hairs. Session 3: Mediation Strategies, Solutions and Lessons Learned - The success of mediation is influenced by the information exchanged in advance, the type of mediation (remote or in-person), the inclusion or exclusion of a joint opening session, and many other factors. This panel discusses best practices for opening lines of communication, getting past the impasse, and finding a resolution. Session 4: How to Cultivate a Better Workplace - Quiet quitting. Hey Boomer. Gen X. Gen Z. Millennial. Anti-work. Current workplace structures aren’t always working. Hear from a worker-side trial attorney about how to build a better workplace and why we all have more in common than we might think.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 3.00 hrs
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 5/31/2025
  • show rating
    eSupplement to the 34th Annual Conference on State and Federal Appeals
    4.57 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$145   Add to Cart

Session 1: Persuasive Oral Argument Techniques - Hear tips from two of Texas’s best on what to do in oral argument. Session 2: Requests from on High: Keeping In-House Counsel Out of Hot Water - One of internal counsel’s many functions is to avert problems for their employers. But sometimes in keeping their client away from the fire, they risk being singed. These concerns implicate challenging attorney-client privilege issues, clarity in communicating to employees and management who they represent, educating others about how to maintain confidentiality, engaging the right counsel and consultants for the proper purposes, and knowing when to stay away from direct interaction in depositions, mediations and regulator meetings and interactions, or when to interact directly. Session 3: What to do When the Government Comes Calling - Hear advice for in-house counsel and corporate executives faced with federal inquiries, search warrants, investigations, and subpoenas to produce evidence or testify. Learn about ways in which professionals can stay out of the government’s cross hairs. Session 4: DOJ Hot Topics and Recent Developments - Panelists discuss recent enforcement trends by the DOJ and how announced priorities are playing out in the real world.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 3.25 hrs | 1.00 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 5/31/2025
  • show rating
    eSupplement to the 31st Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference
    4.75 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$155   Add to Cart

Session 1: Executive Compensation, Claw Backs, and Other Compensation Concerns - Gain practical guidance surrounding the recent SEC Clawback Rule, NYSE/Nasdaq listing requirements, DOJ guidance, enforcement actions, and potential unintended consequences. Session 2: How to Cultivate a Better Workplace - Quiet quitting. Hey Boomer. Gen X. Gen Z. Millennial. Anti-work. Current workplace structures aren’t always working. Hear from a worker-side trial attorney about how to build a better workplace and why we all have more in common than we might think. Session 3: Getting the Piper Paid: Successfully Navigating the RWI Claims Process - In addition to an update on the current terms of RWI policies, this panel focuses on the claims process with war-story driven insights of experienced counsel to answer the burning RWI question: are legitimate claims getting timely paid? Session 4: Websites: Privacy and ADA Litigation - Survey of contemporary legal issues related to privacy and accessibility litigation involving websites. Session 5: Mediation Strategies, Solutions and Lessons Learned - The success of mediation is influenced by the information exchanged in advance, the type of mediation (remote or in-person), the inclusion or exclusion of a joint opening session, and many other factors. This panel discusses best practices for opening lines of communication, getting past the impasse, and finding a resolution.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 3.50 hrs
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 4/30/2025
  • show rating
    eSupplement to the 46th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute
    4.23 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    Great course.

    Really like the ADA presentation in particular.

$165   Add to Cart

Session 1: Lawyers Behaving Badly - The hosts of the Lawyers Behaving Badly podcast share true but outrageous stories about lawyers being less than their best selves. Session 2: The Unruly Client - Ethical duties and practical advice for working with clients who don’t see eye to eye with you. Session 3: DOJ Hot Topics and Recent Developments - Panelists discuss recent enforcement trends by the DOJ and how announced priorities are playing out in the real world. Session 4: Does Intelligence Equal Competence? Navigating Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law - Artificial Intelligence may be embedded in tools, or may even be a tool itself, that helps lawyers better meet client needs. But, it is no different than other conventional tools and technologies used by lawyers—they must be used in conjunction with a lawyer’s duty to provide competent representation. Session 5: Persuasive Oral Argument Techniques - Hear tips from two of Texas’s best on what to do (and not to do) in oral argument.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 4.00 hrs | 2.50 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 3/31/2025
  • show rating
    eSupplement to the 35th Annual Health Law Conference
    5 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    Courses were interesting and informative.


$145   Add to Cart

Employers are often faced with complex immigration status issues when they are trying to onboard new employees and complete the required Form I-9. If they fail to accept certain qualifying documentation, they can be subject to penalties for discrimination. This panel will address common difficult status issues employers should know.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.75 hr | 0.25 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 1/31/2025
  • show rating
    Are You Work Authorized? Complex Immigration Status Puzzles for Employers
    4.64 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    Very helpful to both our role as an employer, and even more importantly helpful to understand for our organizational clients that are immigrants seeking employment.

$60   Add to Cart

Session 01: Beyond IT Security: Legal and Cyber Security Considerations in the OT World - Industrial Control Systems and Operational Technology have unique challenges and risks. Explore some of those risks from service disruption and data disclosure, as well as the legal and technical considerations and mitigations and some of the risk implications of emerging AI technology. Session 02: Data Governance - Review the “lifecycle” of data (mis)managed by our clients and by our own organizations. Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct and ABA Model Rules guide how proactive approaches to data governance keep us ethical and sane, and save future time and tempers. Session 03: Assessing Your Privacy Law Risk: What Does Reasonable Security Actually Mean? - All of the recently enacted and effective state consumer data privacy laws require that covered businesses implement a “reasonable” security program. Likewise, covered businesses are required to include clauses in their agreements with service providers, contractors and other third parties that impose a duty to protect disclosed personal data with “reasonable” security. Learn from a regulator, an in-house general counsel and an outside privacy counsel what this means and what it looks like and how to do it in your own law firm or company. Session 04: Developing an Effective Incident Response Plan - Walk through the main components you want to have in place for your incident response plan, including what to include and what NOT to include, OFAC implications, and more. Session 05: Contracting with Third-Party Vendors: Top Risk and Privacy Law Considerations - A primer on how to revise third-party vendor contracts to include cybersecurity and privacy law provisions, perform cybersecurity vendor due diligence, and what you need to know to best protect yourself or clients from regulatory scrutiny. Session 06: Do You Know What Your Outside Counsel is Doing to Protect Client Information? - Law firms are now targets for hackers, including nation-state actors that seek to steal sensitive and valuable client information and cause disruption and other damages. Are your outside counsel taking the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of your information? Session 07: The Role of the Board: Before, During and After a Cybersecurity Incident - A summary from sitting board members and board governance experts on obligations, tips, and best practices for boards in preparing for and responding to cybersecurity incidents, and in affectively evaluating and addressing the attendant risks.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides No Materials

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 5.50 hrs | 2.25 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 12/31/2024
  • show rating
    Answer Bar: Global Data Security Considerations for the Corporate Client
    4 out of 5 stars
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    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$245   Add to Cart

In a world of increasing international opportunities, the risks associated with pursuing business across borders also continue to rise. Both public and private multinational companies and their executives are facing heightened concern over potential regulatory inquiries and enforcement actions related to anti-money laundering, the FCPA and global anti-corruption, and export controls and sanctions laws. This session discusses recent enforcement trends and practical compliance strategies for mitigating business and legal risks in this ever-changing environment. 

Includes: Video Audio Paper

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00 hr | 0.25 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 12/31/2024
  • show rating
    Doing Business Extraterritorially
    4.05 out of 5 stars
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    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$65   Add to Cart

Panelists discuss recent enforcement trends by the DOJ and how announced priorities are playing out in the real world.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 12/31/2024
  • show rating
    DOJ Hot Topics and Recent Enforcement Developments (2023)
    3 out of 5 stars
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    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$65   Add to Cart

This panel explores some of the ethical and practical considerations to be confronted when our clients face government enforcement. Audience participation is encouraged as the panel tackles issues like data preservation, conflicts of interest, joint representation, parallel investigations, cooperation, reporting known violations, and independent investigation counsel turned defense counsel.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00 hr | 1.00 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 12/31/2024
  • show rating
    Ethical Issues in Government Enforcement Cases
    3.7 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    It was an interesting panel, but I wish there had been a panelist from the government.

    Good comments

$75   Add to Cart

Gain practical guidance surrounding the recent SEC Clawback Rule, NYSE/Nasdaq listing requirements, DOJ guidance, enforcement actions, and potential unintended consequences.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.75 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 12/31/2024
  • show rating
    Executive Compensation, Claw Backs, and Other Compensation Concerns
    4.25 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$60   Add to Cart

Panelists discuss the expansion of criminal antitrust enforcement and recent investigations that delve into the government's tools, tactics and targets.

Includes: Video Audio Paper

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 12/31/2024
  • show rating
    Exploring the Expansion of Criminal Antitrust Enforcement and What Recent Criminal Investigations and Trials Tell Us About the Government’s Tools, Tactics, and Targets
    5 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$65   Add to Cart

Learn about the decisions that determine our client’s lives from the judges who preside over our trials and settlements. What is expected from the defense and the prosecution? What do we do that works (and doesn’t work)? Hear insights on jury selection through sentencing from this highly distinguished panel.

Includes: Video Audio Paper

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00 hr | 0.50 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 12/31/2024
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    Government Enforcement Judicial Panel (2023)
    Not yet rated
$65   Add to Cart

Need ethics credit? We’ve got you covered! UT Law CLE’s First Friday Ethics streams live every first Friday of the month, and features some of our best ethics speakers and presentations for a total of 3.00 hrs ethics credit. Fulfill your entire annual ethics requirement in Texas in one day!   This month includes: (1.00 hr | 1.00 hr ethics) AI and Effective Corporate Governance (Replay) This discussion covers artificial intelligence (AI) fundamentals and business opportunities to utilize AI responsibly and strategically. The panelists also address corporate governance and compliance frameworks to enable boards and business leadership to proactively and effectively manage risks posed by AI. Regina Jones, Baker Hughes - Houston, TX Ryan D. McConnell, R. McConnell Group PLLC - Houston, TX Meagan Baker Thompson, R. McConnell Group PLLC - Austin, TX (0.75 hr | 0.75 hr ethics) Requests from on High: Keeping In-House Counsel Out of Hot Water (Replay) One of internal counsel’s many functions is to avert problems for their employers. But sometimes in keeping their client away from the fire, they risk being singed. These concerns implicate challenging attorney-client privilege issues, clarity in communicating to employees and management who they represent, educating others about how to maintain confidentiality, engaging the right counsel and consultants for the proper purposes, and knowing when to stay away from direct interaction in depositions, mediations and regulator meetings and interactions, or when to interact directly. Joel Cohen, White & Case LLP - New York, NY (0.75 hr | 0.75 hr ethics) Ethics on the Edge (Replay) Whether in-house or in private practice, technology lawyers increasingly find themselves counseling clients operating at or beyond the edge of what the law has contemplated—and sometimes with business models so “disruptive” they may even be illegal. Explore the ethics issues that come into play in such situations, through real-world examples of how experienced in-house lawyers have counseled their clients though high-risk innovation and legal uncertainty.   Christopher T. Brown, KASTNER/GRAVELLE LLP - Austin, TX Cara Connolly, Reality Labs at Meta - Austin, TX Catherine Dawson, AffiniPay - Austin, TX  (0.50 hr | 0.50 hr ethics) Pro Bono Opportunities for Business Attorneys (Replay) Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts (TALA) offers attorneys the opportunity to work with creatives, non-profits, and others who qualify based on their income on various legal issues such as entity formation, contracts, trademark/patent/copyright filings, and other general legal needs. An in depth discussion on these opportunities as well as give several examples of cases or matters handled by volunteer attorneys. Angela L. Lee, TALA - Austin, TX Adrian Resendez, Brough & Resendez PLLC - Austin, TX

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 3.00 hrs | 3.00 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 10/31/2024
  • show rating
    First Friday Ethics (October 2023)
    4.24 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    All topics were very relevant and interesting. Presenters were knowledgeable and shared a lot of their personal experiences. Very good way to teach legal ethics.

$155   Add to Cart

THIS MONTH: Reflections on the U.S. Supreme Court • Will Robot Lawyers Steal Our Jobs, and Can They do the Job Ethically? • Developing a Winning Deposition Strategy • Sunshine and Cyber Insurance • How to Cultivate a Better Workplace

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 4.00 hrs | 1.00 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 10/31/2024
  • show rating
    Hooked on CLE: November 2023
    4.3 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    SCOTUS lecture was excellent.

    Entertaining. Especially enjoyed Shane Read. Good mix of topics. I did not watch Reflections on the Supreme Court because I watched and claimed credit for that segment separately.

    The Supreme Court course was EXCEPTIONAL! Very thought-provoking and relevant. I also got a LOT out of the Deposition course. Very practical ideas with great illustrations.

$99   Add to Cart

In January, the Federal Trade Commission announced a proposed rule that, if enacted, would amount to a near-total ban on the use of non-compete agreements and leave employers with fewer legal means of protecting their confidential and proprietary information.  This presentation will cover the proposed rule, the status of potential opposition to the rule, as well as what businesses should do to prepare in the event the rule is approved in its current form.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.50 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 9/30/2024
  • show rating
    Covenants Not to Compete and the Proposed FTC Ban 
    4.11 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$55   Add to Cart

Session 1: Investigating Sensitive Employment Complaints​- The investigation of an employee's complaint may be critical to an employer's only means of avoiding liability. The investigator may be a witness, and the notes may be evidence. Learn how to investigate and document the process. Session 2: Handling and Responding to an Investigation (When Your Employees Are Remote) - As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have transitioned important business functions from in-person to fully remote. Listen to a discussion about key practical issues for companies to consider when carrying out investigations in the remote working environment. Session 3: Whistleblowers - A plaintiff-side and defense-side lawyer discuss protections and pitfalls for individuals and employers under state and federal whistleblower statutes. Session 4: The New Landscape for Sexual Harassment Claims in Texas - Texas lawmakers have recently expanded the protections for employees asserting sexual harassment claims. Analyze the new longer statute of limitations, broader definition of employer, potential individual liability, heightened duty to respond, and more. Session 5: Employee Activism and Workplace Political Speech - Analyze legal and practical implications of employee activism and political speech including best practices for employee training, policy development, and navigating related day-to-day workplace realities. Session 6: Mediation Strategies, Solutions and Lessons Learned - The success of mediation is influenced by the information exchanged in advance, the type of mediation (remote or in-person), the inclusion or exclusion of a joint opening session, and many other factors. This panel discusses best practices for opening lines of communication, getting past the impasse, and finding a resolution. Session 7: Ethics: Can We Talk? - This session explores the limits on attorney communication with employees, former employees, and other potential witnesses in the context of employment litigation. Special attention will be given to the ethical considerations associated with joint representation of a party and a potential witness, including concerns surrounding the use of such representation to limit the ability of the other side to communicate with a potential witness.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 5.25 hrs | 1.50 Ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 8/31/2024
  • show rating
    Answer Bar: Handling Employee Investigations in Today's Workplace
    4.13 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$235   Add to Cart

Competition issues are subject to intensifying scrutiny: Not only are lawmakers proposing legislation to expand the scope of antitrust laws, the administration is extending the reach of current law under a Whole-of-Government policy that regulatory agencies are implementing through the issuance of updated rules and guidelines. Learn about the issues that are at the center of government concern and how to counsel your company to avoid the risks associated with them, including anti-poaching, non-compete restrictions, information-sharing, anticompetitive conduct (and monopolization) and acquisitions.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.75 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 7/31/2024
  • show rating
    Antitrust Update: Practical Guidance for Navigating Evolving Risks
    4.73 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?
$60   Add to Cart

A company’s benefit plans can be a key tool for recruiting and retaining employees, but can also carry hidden risks and liabilities when administered improperly. Hear a high-level overview of common legal risks associated with operating benefit plans and the key components that a corporate counsel will want to learn about their benefit plan design and features.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.50 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 7/31/2025
  • show rating
    Be Friends with Your Benefits: Five Things Every Corporate Counsel Should Know About Their
    Company's Benefit Plans
    4.47 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    Wow. Very glad I signed up for this presentation. Very valuable informaiton.

$55   Add to Cart

Includes: Video Audio Paper

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.50 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 7/31/2025
  • show rating
    Best Practices for Managing Litigation
    4.74 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    Excellent speaker--clear, concise, informative

$55   Add to Cart

Some contract terms tend to be lightning rods for disagreement, conflict, and litigation. Review the contract provisions that seem to attract the most attention when conflicts arise and discuss various legal techniques and strategies that can be used to mitigate or avoid these conflicts.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.75 hr
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 7/31/2025
  • show rating
    Commercial Contracts and The Most Heavily Litigated Provisions
    4.32 out of 5 stars
    What was the overall quality of the course (presentation, materials, and technical delivery)?
    Rate the overall teaching effectiveness and presentation skills of faculty for the course.
    How would you rate the value of the materials provided as part of the course?

    The terms and considerations while accurate were not complete. They missed some issues that a drafter should consider.

    well done.

$60   Add to Cart